Author :: James W. Officer III

James W. Officer III has over 20 years of experience in coaching others to maximize their opportunities. He received his bachelor’s degree in aeronautical technology and his master of public administration from Indiana State University (Terre Haute, Indiana). James has led teams in the financial services and proprietary education industries.

In 2014, James founded DASHMASTERS, a professional development company that provides clients the tools and insights to grow through every season of their lives. Services include group facilitation and one-on-one coaching. The mission at
DASHMASTERS is simple: We make business better by making people our business.

James and his wife Patricia reside in Indianapolis, Indiana. They are the proud parents of five remarkable children and three heartwarming grandchildren. James’ priorities are God, family, and making a difference.

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Shift and Grow Rich: Cause the Effect by James W. Officer III
Shift and Grow Rich: Cause the Effect
By James W. Officer, III